Alton Cemetery

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The Town of Caledon is seeking feedback from members of the public on the future management and ownership of the Alton Cemetery. The Town would like your input on whether it should keep ownership of the Alton Cemetery or sell the Cemetery to a private service provider. Fill out the Survey below to have your say on the future of Alton Cemetery.


The Town acquired the cemetery in 2020 through a legal abandonment process and currently does not have experience in managing an active cemetery that includes regular burials.

The Alton Cemetery has significant cultural and historic value for the community. Through ground radar analysis the Town determined the potential number of remaining graves may be almost 400. Only about three graves a year are sold on average resulting in minimal revenue, approximately $8,300 annually. In contrast, maintenance costs are projected to be significantly higher at around $20,000 per year.

There are two main options to consider for the future of the Alton Cemetery.

  1. The Town may seek to sell the cemetery to a local service provider to avoid costs related to long-term ownership. The cemetery may be better operated by a professional funeral or cemetery business.

  1. The Town may keep ownership and operate the cemetery. As an active cemetery, burial rights would continue to be sold while only previously sold rights would be honoured as an inactive cemetery. New staff resources may be required and a precedent may be set for other local cemetery boards seeking to transfer ownership to the Town.

The Town of Caledon is seeking feedback from members of the public on the future management and ownership of the Alton Cemetery. The Town would like your input on whether it should keep ownership of the Alton Cemetery or sell the Cemetery to a private service provider. Fill out the Survey below to have your say on the future of Alton Cemetery.


The Town acquired the cemetery in 2020 through a legal abandonment process and currently does not have experience in managing an active cemetery that includes regular burials.

The Alton Cemetery has significant cultural and historic value for the community. Through ground radar analysis the Town determined the potential number of remaining graves may be almost 400. Only about three graves a year are sold on average resulting in minimal revenue, approximately $8,300 annually. In contrast, maintenance costs are projected to be significantly higher at around $20,000 per year.

There are two main options to consider for the future of the Alton Cemetery.

  1. The Town may seek to sell the cemetery to a local service provider to avoid costs related to long-term ownership. The cemetery may be better operated by a professional funeral or cemetery business.

  1. The Town may keep ownership and operate the cemetery. As an active cemetery, burial rights would continue to be sold while only previously sold rights would be honoured as an inactive cemetery. New staff resources may be required and a precedent may be set for other local cemetery boards seeking to transfer ownership to the Town.

Page last updated: 16 Jan 2024, 10:09 AM