Why are strategic plans important?

    A good strategic plan for a municipality can:  

    • align Council and staff behind a common set of outcomes for the community; 

    • assist in prioritizing where limited resources (time and money) are spent through the budget process (i.e. improves value); 

    • map out activities required to achieve goals beyond one term of Council; and

    • provide a tool and specific measures that the Town can use to hold itself accountable to making progress on its commitment.

    How does the strategic plan impact me?

    Staff play a critical role in ensuring that the strategic plan is reflective of the needs of the community and in ensuring that the deliverables in the strategic plan are met. 
    Right now, we’re looking for staff input to develop the strategy itself. Information gathered through this process will be used to inform workshops with senior leadership and Council.  

    Who is participating in the development of the strategic plan?

    The community (residents, businesses, community groups, schools), Council and Town staff (Corporation).