Intensification Study Update

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As part of the Growth, Settlement, Housing and Employment Focus Area, the Town of Caledon has prepared an Intensification Study Update. This study identifies potential areas and sites for future development, redevelopment and infill within the existing built area. It will guide the Town in meeting future intensification targets as prescribed by the Region of Peel Official Plan and the Growth Plan.

The study looks at the differences between residential intensification and infill, the opportunities and constraints of intensification and how intensification will fit within existing character of the community. The Strategy includes an update to the existing mapping component that shows potential intensification sites and the level/form of intensification that can occur at various sites within the Town’s boundaries. The study will assist the Town in meeting the 2051 population forecast.

The Intensification Study has been finalized.

As part of the Growth, Settlement, Housing and Employment Focus Area, the Town of Caledon has prepared an Intensification Study Update. This study identifies potential areas and sites for future development, redevelopment and infill within the existing built area. It will guide the Town in meeting future intensification targets as prescribed by the Region of Peel Official Plan and the Growth Plan.

The study looks at the differences between residential intensification and infill, the opportunities and constraints of intensification and how intensification will fit within existing character of the community. The Strategy includes an update to the existing mapping component that shows potential intensification sites and the level/form of intensification that can occur at various sites within the Town’s boundaries. The study will assist the Town in meeting the 2051 population forecast.

The Intensification Study has been finalized.

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Page last updated: 31 Aug 2023, 03:06 PM